To get your refund faster – generally within 2 weeks – join over 3 million Australians and lodge your tax return online with myTax2019  this year.

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MyTax replaces e-tax

MyTax replaced e-tax from 1 July 2016. MyTax is the quick, easy, safe and secure way to prepare and lodge your tax return online. It has been upgraded to do everything e-tax could do, plus extra things it couldn’t.

You can use myTax even if you have investments, rental properties, capital gains or are a sole trader. MyTax is a more streamlined, efficient and personalised service that’s easy to use and will save you time when lodging online.

It’s web-based, so you don’t need to download anything and you can lodge on a range of devices – computer, smartphone or tablet. MyTax pre-fills information provided to us by your employer, banks, government agencies, making it easier to complete your tax return.

It seems an arduous task to some people and they don’t feel secure about lodging online because any mistake can cancel tax return. TAX REFUND ON SPOT will helps you get all eligible benefits provided by myTax2019. Company has more than 12 years of experience in tax lodgment.

If you need any more information  to Start Online Income Tax Return, or want to know about myTax 2019, online tax return 2019, myGov 2019, Tax Return 2019 , Please contact our Tax accountant on 1300 768 284 or email us at or Fill your details online at

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